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  • Developing Leaders Workshop 2023

Supporting the emerging leaders at Mondo Doro smallgoods, with a focus on communication and managing teams, together with planning for and managing change.

  • Rotoract - Perth Rotary Club 2023 Governance and Finance Workshop 2023

Pro- Bono: Design, deliver a full day workshop for Rotoract members from across Western Australia to develop finance and governance skills for emerging leaders.

  • Midwest Chamber of Commerce Governance and Finance Workshop 2022

Design, deliver a full day workshop for existing and aspiring people in business, focusing on the importance of good governance, leadership, understanding  financial statements.

  • Gascoyne Regional Chambers and Associations Planning Workshop: 2022

Workshop facilitation which brought together the various business Chambers of Commerce, Associations and local government in the Gascoyne Region to develop a plan for the region to collaborate and work together.

  • Finance Workshop for Business - Australian Agri-Finance:  2022

Workshop facilitation and delivery relating to finance and stakeholder relationships for existing and emerging business professionals.

  • UpStart – upskilling young people in business, finance, leadership and resilience 2019- 2023

Design, deliver as a boot camp style 2 day workshop, for 18- 30 year olds, focusing on the importance of leadership and management, negotiation and developing resilience, meeting procedures and governance, and understanding financial statements.

  • Climate Resilient Farming Systems Reference Group  |  DPIRD:  2021 - 2023

Contracted by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Merredin, to facilitate the stakeholder engagement workshop, including planning, preparation, workshop and agenda design and facilitation, coupled with assistance with report preparation and identification of vision and goals.

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